The short answer is no: Warface: Breakout is not cross platform. But that’s not the whole story.
Warface: Breakout Cross Platform Play: Will It Ever be Added?
As it stands, Warface: Breakout is strictly limited to the console you purchased it on, meaning that you won’t be able to play with Xbox One players if you’re on PlayStation 4 or vice versa.
However, while there’s been no word on when or if it will be available, the developers said in 2019 that they plan to bring cross platform play to the original Warface in “Q2 2020.” That means upcoming patches and updates could bring the functionality to Breakout.
Warface Franchise Producer Ivan Pabiarzhyn told Nintendo Life earlier this year that the team still wasn’t ready to implement cross platform play in the original game, so while it’s possible it will come to Warface: Breakout, the functionality might still be far away.
Warface was released as a free-to-play multiplayer shooter in 2013 and is developed by Crytek Kiev, though this latest spin-off is developed by Allods Team and retails for $19.99.
Warface: Breakout is described as a return to the classic competitive shooters of yore, with its developers citing the immensely popular Counter-Strike as inspiration. Unlike the game it’s inspired by, Warface: Breakout is crafted with console play in mind.
Sporting five maps and over 30 weapons, Warface: Breakout is expected to evolve over time with free seasonal content and has no plans to incorporate a battle pass for players to purchase.
So, there you have it. The skinny on Warface: Breakout cross platform play. Be sure to check back as we’ll update this article if the ability to crossplay with friends is added to the game.