Take This is mental health non-profit dedicated to end mental health discrimination in the gaming community. The organization identifies with the psyche of the community and wants to create an open space where gamers like us can feel comfortable to speak about any emotional distress we may be going through. The organization tackles anxiety, depression, sucide along with other emotional disorders.
The organization’s mission is to educate gamers about mental health disorders and essentially show them that we are not alone. They want to provide our community with resources and information that could help us cope and even prevent any mental illness.
Take a look at the trailer that gave me chills below:
Take This hosts AFK rooms at conventions like E3 and PAX, providing gamers with a safe space to just come talk or ask questions. The rooms are staffed with volunteers and clinicians that are there to help.
This entire cause warms my heart. I am honored to be part of such a warm, loving, and supportive community open to helping each other and picking each other up when we’re down. I am looking forward to this wonderful documentary and support Take This in all of its ventures.
Check out their website here and learn more about the cause, volunteer, or even donate.