“All that I do in life is unconstrained,” the “Shoeless Blue Jean Night” craftsman tells ET. “Like, when I closed I won’t drink any more – – luckily, I’m not – – and what I have found is I wasn’t like a numerous people where it is genuinely challenging to stop. I was actually similar to, ‘Hi, I’m making a couple of pretty bonehead decisions when I truly drink and I shouldn’t do that any longer.’ along these lines, I’m not going to, and I did, and I just let people in on that.”


It was back in August when the 41-year-old singer and father of two young women – – Pearl, 9, and Paris, 3 – – proclaimed on Instagram that he was celebrating 316 days of being sensible. By then, Owen said that particular embarrassing night “wasn’t the underlying time all the while” yet it assuredly set off some self-reflection. In that comparable post, Owen said he let himself in on the next day “at definitely no point from now on” while adding that he’s “better than that” and that “my friends and family the most legitimacy better,” including his “family, my girls, and my colleagues.”

After a short time, following chasing after the decision to eliminate alcohol of his life, Owen said his friends started observing.

“People were considering like, ‘Man, I haven’t seen you drink in some time’ and I was like, ‘Hi, I’m just telling people I’m endeavoring to be a predominant person. I’m endeavoring to manage this in my life.’ And I guess if I just let people in on that, then maybe it would make them go, ‘Certainly, I truly believe should do that too,’ and there were a numerous people. They associated and said that they were like, ‘Astounding, I expected to hear that, like, presently, like, how is it that you could get it going?’”

Owen continued, “I construe my reaction was – – and I understand it isn’t the case normal for a numerous people – – yet I as of late said, ‘I will not do it any longer,’ and you want to stick to it,” he figures out.

From there on out, Owen expresses the down home music neighborhood been serious areas of strength for inconceivably his decision. Owen, who is secured to his dependable darling, Erica Hartlein, is exceptionally mindful that he has two little ones who respect him and a family that needs him.

“There’s no shame in saying, ‘Most certainly, I shouldn’t do that any longer.’ Like, I have kids,” Owen says. “I have people to manage. Most ideal game-plan for yourself and for others is being the best version of yourself. If I can get it going and it’s falling off on others, cool.”

It’s suggested, Owen is feeling the astounding effects of eliminating alcohol of his life, yet the extra perspective has similarly confused him.

“Completely. I feel overwhelmed to a great extent too in any case,” Owen says. “You know, like, it’s engaging. The world requirements people to kind of liberated and have a negative behavior pattern, as, in any way possible, like, they are engaging it any place you look, you know? Whether it’s sex or alcohol or all the same regardless. Like, any place you look, they’re waving it before you like a canine and a piece of meat. Besides, you ought to oblige it since that is what life is. You ought to continue with your life.”

“However, I’ve found that I improve when I utilize savvy instinct,” he continues, “and things that frustrate those decisions, I endeavor to keep out of my life.”

Regardless, similarly as with any decisions all through regular daily existence, changes are crucial.

“While you’re going making the rounds each night and people are like, ‘Hi, man, we ought to have a brew,’ you kind of get it, ‘Man, I’ve been all over town four days in the ongoing week, I probably have three or four ales each night, that is 16 blends I drank for this current week.’ It’s basically not useful over a long stretch.”

— Entertainment Tonight (@etnow) September 29, 2022

Adjacent to his collectedness, Owen’s moreover lauding his 10th No. 1 single with “Best Thing Since Back roads.” And he’s moreover got his next single organized in “Up There Down Here,” for which he recently shot the music video in Wyoming.

His little girls are in like manner growing up so speedy and he’s lolling in the grandness of being “enveloped by sweethearts here in the world” with Erica and his young ladies nearby on his meandering aimlessly 150-part of land farm home that contains a tiny pony, four canines, a duck, bald eagle and a stacked lake for one of his young lady’s to fish out of.

Truly, the central thing missing is a fairway – – something he could have to convince his fiancee about getting.

“It’s fascinating in light of the fact that Erica asked me as of late like, ‘We’re not in no occasion, orchestrating a wedding yet you’re expecting to construct a little standard 3 fairway around here?’” Owen kidded.